100 Pilots: Guaranteed Income Achieves Historic Milestone - 2 minute video
California Self-Sufficiency Standard Fact Sheet -Marin County Key Facts
Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities Among Women in California -Public Health Institute
Guaranteed Income Program Design Considerations -Mayors for a Guaranteed Income
Mitigating Loss of Health Insurance and Means-Tested Benefits in an Unconditional Cash Transfer Experiment -Elsevier Journal
Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration Preliminary Analysis -SEED’s First Year
From Idea to Reality: Getting to Guaranteed Income -Jain Family Institute
Guaranteed Income and the Fight to End Hunger - Economic Security Project
Cash for Californians - An Overview of Guaranteed Income Pilots and Policy - UC Berkeley Othering & Belonging Institute
When we first engaged with Moms in Marin in 2018 we saw how hardworking, resilient and resourceful they are, and the deep love and ambitions they have for their children. They are on a path to self-sufficiency, but due to their complex circumstances and the system, they get stuck. We hope that MOMentum gives them an opportunity to stay on track.”

Barbara Clifton-Zarate
Director for Economic Opportunity