Opportunities for Marin Moms to Thrive
The Origin
A little over six years ago the Marin Community Foundation embarked on a project to learn more about the lives of low-income Moms in Marin who were on a path to self-sufficiency — but weren’t there yet. We spent time with them in their homes, met their children, conducted group research sessions and more. We asked them to reveal to us the truth of their lives and their ambitions for the future.
They spoke. And we listened.
The result was The Book of Mom, a heartfelt document that revealed these Moms for who they are: hardworking, resilient, and resourceful with a fierce love for their children. But more than just heartfelt, The Book of Mom captured their ideas for ways that their lives could be improved, via finances, employment, education, self-care, child care and more. Their ideas were savvy and informed, and we paid attention.

The Pilot
MOMentum is a pilot that MCF launched in May 2021 which leveraged the input from the Moms and combined it with deep expertise from local, state, and national nonprofits and county partners. It was also informed by a variety of other projects underway throughout the U.S.
At its core it posed the question: “What happens when Moms are given a little more?” It was our ambition that at the end of the pilot the answer is: “Their lives are improved and they are on the road to financial independence and emotional health.”